Friday, September 26, 2014

The best Chilean

Exist varied the celebrity in this country, but always are favorite some more that other, for me Violeta Parra is the best, because your arts has in all the place.

Violeta Parra is born on October 4 1917, in Ñuble Chillan. She was a women from the center-south the Chile, that to make from Folclore chilean a lifestyle with your way to sing, to paint, to weave, with your way to make art. But Violeta not only develop your folklore here, also she was to show to world, making known the name de Chile.

Between the Violeta’s art, we can find different way the expression, that show our culture since all the point of view, she was an artist complete.

Inside the your music we found singles “Run run se fue pal’ norte”, “Casamiento de negros”,  “La jardinera” and the more famous “Gracias a la vida” . And your other arts we see “Arbol de la vida”, “Hombre con guitarra” also “Los conquistadores” in the sacking. But also she work with paper crepe, and made them beautiful creations, niños en fiesta “Genocidio”,  “Violinista”,  “La cueca”, between other, Is for this that Violeta Parra was amazing artist, only she could do.

Violeta Parra On February 5, dies in his tent Queen, leaving a legacy of culture and art, that today is appreciate as never

If I could see to Violeta, I would ask as she fought with prejudice the chilean’s people, and what going through his head, in the moment that your creations. 

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