Teachers’ demonstration
It has been a month now since teachers from
public schools have been doing demonstrations. Once again the demands revolve
around professionalizing and dignifying the teaching career. However, it is necessary to deem the context
in which these demands are being developed, and the point I am trying to make
here is the educational reform that the current government wants to carry out,
which has not considered the main social actor when talking about the changes
that politicians want to implement, teachers.
To what has been said, we need to add the lack
of representation teachers have in the working groups that pretend to solve the
problems mentioned by professionals from all over the country. Ministry of
Education and the Teachers Association are both involved in the working group,
but despite this, there are not concrete answers to the demands and changes that
thousands of teachers have been asking for in the streets. This situation
increases the crisis, since some agreements have been reached without
considering teachers, the main protagonists of the process.
This piece if news is highly important to me because
of my profession, since every decision will have a direct influence on my
future employment. Nevertheless, this should be an important topic for
everyone, because it is a relevant topic at national level, given the fact that
education is the only way in which people can develop and get to see the world
from different perspectives.